
Pitzer is looking for students who are passionate about the arts, 人文学科, sciences and social sciences and who are academically talented, 求知好学, self-motivated and actively engaged in activities in their high schools and communities. We want a student body that reflects a wide range of economic, 少数民族, 种族和地域多样性. 另外, 我们正在寻找那些有兴趣在课堂内外挑战自己的学生,他们希望在这里和毕业后利用他们的教育做出改变.

I heard that Pitzer offers a 测试-optional admission process. 这是怎么做到的?
Pitzer学院采用全面的方法来录取学生,重点放在高中成绩单上, 推荐信, 领导职位, 工作经历, 参与学校和社区活动, 以及对匹泽核心价值观的承诺. 这所学院完全不需要考试, 为学生提供机会,展示准确反映其不同学术才能和潜力的申请材料. 如果学生觉得自己的成绩最能代表他们的学术潜力,他们可以在申请截止日期前提交SAT或ACT. 招生委员会不会假设为什么有些学生选择提交分数,而有些学生则不提交. All students are given equal consideration in the admission process. 阅读更多推荐十大正规网赌网站我们的可选测试政策.

面试 are completely optional for first-year and transfer students. Pitzer的面试既能提供信息,又能进行评估. 这是一个让招生人员更好地了解你,让你更多地了解匹泽学院的机会. 面试的机会很多:

  • You can schedule an interview on campus if you plan to visit Pitzer
  • You can schedule a time to interview over the telephone or through Skype at your convenience.

The interview deadline for Early Decision I is November 15 . The interview deadline for Early Decision II is December 15. The interview deadline for Regular Decision is December 15. All New 资源 (23+) students must interview by April 1.

我们的承诺是通过包括助学金在内的经济援助计划,100%满足每个被录取学生的证明需求, 勤工俭学和贷款. 我们现有的学生中有超过40%的人获得经济援助,匹泽每年投入超过800万美元的自有资源,以确保有需要的学生能够利用匹泽的教育.

Pitzer strives to enhance personal growth while at the same time building community. 学生有学术自由和灵活性,可以与教师密切合作,创建自己的学术课程. 而不是传统的核心需求, students choose their courses by following a unique set of educational objectives. Academic freedom combined with an emphasis on intercultural understanding, 环境可持续性, 跨学科的学习以及社会和道德责任使匹泽的经历真正独特.

Pitzer是一所综合性的文理学院,我们的学生有各种各样的学术兴趣. Pitzer最受欢迎的专业是:

  • 心理学
  • 社会学
  • 环境分析
  • 政治研究
  • 媒体研究

  • 英语 & 世界文学
  • 特殊/自行设计
  • 英语 & 世界文学
  • 人类学
  • 人类生物学

你可以在不申报专业的情况下申请Pitzer,并且在大三开始之前不需要申报专业. 然而, we strongly encourage students to declare by the end of their sophomore year, 特别是如果他们计划出国留学.

是的. 我们课程的灵活性允许学生在某些科目或结合两个或多个学习领域的设计专业中主修双学位. 学生与指导老师密切合作,以确保他们达到指定专业的目标, and all majors are subject to approval by Pitzer faculty. Pitzer students have graduated with self-designed majors such as: alternative medicine, philosophy & society; urban justice studies and climate toxicology.

是的. The Pitzer faculty is responsible for academic advising at the college. You will be assigned to a faculty advisor during orientation prior to the start of classes. 您的指导老师将与您单独合作,制定计划,以满足匹泽的教育目标, your major objectives and your personal academic objectives. 如果你是一个未申报的专业, 根据你在入学申请表上列出的学术兴趣,你将被分配给一名顾问. You are free to change advisers as your academic interests change until you declare a major. 您还可以自由添加任何其他顾问.

Pitzer faculty may grant credit for superior performance on an AP examination. The criteria varies by field group, but no score lower than four will be considered for credit. 在一般情况下, a score of 4 may be awarded partial credit for a course and a score of 5 may be awarded full credit. 点击这里阅读更多.

Pitzer拥有全国最高的出国留学参与率之一. Over 73% percent of the students graduating in May 2012 participated in study abroad 项目, and most choose 项目 outside Western Europe and the 英语-speaking world. 匹泽学院提供6个社区项目和57个国内外交流项目. 推荐十大正规网赌网站的社区项目与推荐十大正规网赌网站的课程保持着密切的联系,并为培养更高程度的跨文化理解和社会责任提供了独特的机会. Most students participate in study abroad 项目 in their junior year. For more specific information about study abroad, please visit the 留学网站.

这是Pitzer学院和西部健康科学大学的一个联合项目,通常包括在Pitzer学院三年的全日制学习和在西部大学四年的全日制学习. 在7年结束的时候, 学生将获颁文学士学位及骨科医学博士学位. Each student will have two faculty advisors, one from each institution. 在比萨, 学生在进入西安大略大学学习之前,将达到学院的教育目标和所有医学预科要求. 推荐十大正规网赌网站的学生在华盛顿大学学习自然科学. M. Keck Science Center, a first-rate facility with a faculty committed to undergraduate education. To continue in this program, students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.2 .在非科学课程上.在他们的科学课程中, MCAT的分项测试得分至少达到24分,并表现出适合卫生专业人员的个人奉献精神和特征. 学生 apply for this program as seniors in high school.

本科学院和克莱蒙特研究生院之间的学术交流为课程丰富和克莱蒙特学院更广泛的社区的积极成员提供了机会. 在一般情况下, first semester freshmen will register for all of their classes on their home campus. In the second semester and the sophomore year, they may take one course per semester off campus. 三年级和四年级学生只能在其居住学院以外注册不超过总课程一半的课程.

48% of campus buildings are LEED Platinum or Gold-certified. Pitzer最终可能会成为全国第一所拥有所有LEED白金或黄金认证宿舍的大学. In 2007, Pitzer completed three brand new residence halls that achieved Gold LEED certification by the U.S. 绿色建筑委员会. 阿瑟顿, Sanborn and 比萨大厅s are primarily first-year student residence halls, 不过也有一些高年级学生的房间. These buildings house students in double rooms, with two rooms sharing a bathroom. The new buildings also have staff apartments and housing for our faculty-in-residence program, 我们的绿色自行车计划, 新的收发室, 音乐工作室和艺术画廊. 比萨大厅也是招生办公室的所在地. You can learn more about the green features of the new buildings by visiting Pitzer’s 可持续发展网页. 同样的, 2012年,匹泽新开了四家多功能酒店, LEED Platinum-certified residential halls with the incorporation of a greywater system. Pitzer学院要求所有全日制学生(除了那些获得校外许可的学生)住在校园里,并在每学年签订一份居住协议.

除了新建筑, 推荐十大正规网赌网站的学生可能住在米德, 哪个有六座三层楼高的塔楼, 八人套房. 你会发现中央客厅, 娱乐的房间, kitchen and laundry facilities and small study rooms in the residence halls. Each residence hall has a Residence Director and a staff of four to six Resident Assistants. 除了, 米德大厅有侯爵图书馆,里面有基本的参考书,人们可以在那里炉边聊天. While all student rooms are wired for internet access, wireless is also available across the campus.

你会经常发现学生在玩极限飞盘, hanging out on the mounds or attending 5-College art exhibits, 音乐会, 体育赛事和派对. Sundays are commonly used as homework days for students to catch up on studying. 学生们偶尔会开车到洛杉矶或周边地区,在我们当地的山上露营和滑雪,或者在南加州的海滩冲浪, 都在一小时车程之内.

Pitzer and 克莱蒙特学院 do not have a Greek System. 在很大程度上, 学生的生活往往围绕着克莱蒙特学院联盟提供的活动,比如体育运动, 俱乐部, 志愿者项目和社会活动. 在比萨, students serve on all committees and play a key role in the governance of the College. Pitzer students are also very active in community service. 参与的精神远远超出了课堂,是推荐十大正规网赌网站教育的本质.

First and second year students are not permitted to have a car on campus, 但是所有的学生都可以把自行车带进校园. Our green-bike program also gives students the opportunity to borrow a bicycle. 另外, you can walk almost anywhere on the five campuses within 15-20 minutes. 克莱蒙特村, 拥有商业和娱乐设施, 也在步行距离之内吗. 克莱蒙特学院 have Zip Cars for rent, where students can rent a car for an hour or a day. 高年级学生可以选择开车去学校. 每学期,所有在校园内操作和停放机动车的学生都要缴纳一笔小额费用.